Hic lapis est subtus te, quantum ad obedientiam; supra te, quo ad dominium; ergo a te, quantum ad scientiam; circa te, quantum ad aequales.


A collection of some sleight of hand magic. In order to see the complete video series along with some thoughts and reflections, click here...


Some 0's and 1's that might prove useful or even interesting. See full descriptions and downloads here...
Up-to-date information can be found on my GitHub profile.

Chess problems database

A collection of 4510+ chess problems published in several newspapers. Solutions and comments to each problem are provided.

Genii Magazine index

A service that allows querying all the Genii Magazine indexes from the Kaufman era (Copyright by the Genii Corporation).

Center windows

A small utility that helps the end user to center any window in the screen.

Memory game

An encapsulation that shows how to override the messages loop in a C# program in order to customize the key controls for the neoclassic color memory game.

Directory size

Calculating the size of files and folders.

Memory numbers

A simple game to train your short-term memory.

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